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Meet with in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: meet up withconflict withmeetwithwithoutdo withgo withwithin
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151. Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories and establish restock levels or just - in - time strategies.
152. In a panel interview (also called committee interview), you will meet with several individuals at one time, typically sitting around a conference table.
153. Essential algorithms and case presentations meet with clerkship learning objectives as outlined by the Association of Surgical Education in their ASE Manual.
154. Every day that Gov. Palin refused to meet with credentialed members of the national press corp for a legitimate question and answer session, the nightly newscasts should have reported that fact.
155. Li, heir apparent to China's premiership, will meet with Manadrin-speaking Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in the Australian capital Canberra on Friday night.
156. To meet with the requirement of PECF finishing, pulse power source with high frequency, narrow pulse width and high current is designed.
157. Therefore, the Miao people can Meet with the Ching Ming Festival this day as their field period, the exchange of goods, while meeting with friends and relatives.
158. President will meet with state and local officials in Biloxi, Mississippi and visit a charter school in New Orleans.
159. The grids completely meet with the requirements for soldering on surface color , welds quality, overall dimension, rupture stress and joint thickness.
160. So I agree to meet with them in Des Moines the following week.
161. A man may meet with some great danger some time or other in his life.
162. "When I meet with member companies they often complain to me about the rising cost of raw materials," said Chad Moutray, chief economist at the National Association of Manufacturers.
163. General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials.
164. Jones was one of a delegation of Australian iron ore miners led by the Western Australian state premier Colin Barnett that visited China this week to meet with Chinese steel officials.
165. In a engineering practice, we often meet with the problem that how to seek the extreme value of one-humped function.
166. Tomorrow he will meet with Liang Guanglie, Chief of the General Staff of PLA.
167. During his visit, Senator Obama will meet with Kenyan Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai.
168. So you agree to meet with me at 4pm today and based on our conversation determine how frequently it's appropriate for us to debrief?
169. Roland goes to meet with Wyatt,( who doesn't have his money.
170. They pursue after the rule to meet with the need of the market.
171. If we meet with highway robbery, even two is not enough to cope! "
172. Menstruation is very much, alvine also meet with the waist painful. I just 19 oh amenorrhoea?
173. To understand Xian retail market and meet with potential business partners.
174. In Thailand, Bush will meet with Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, in his second visit to the nation, to commemorate the 175th anniversary of U.S.-Thai relations.
175. They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope in the noonday as in the night.
176. Cuz a besom looks cooler then the other. And if someone meet with a stronger, he can hide himself as a cleaner.
177. And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee.
178. It establishes how King Katuunko was convinced enough to meet with Jedi Master Yoda, and the Republic effort that assisted Cham Syndulla.
179. We hope today's offer will meet with your approval too.
180. The carrying out of Norm 2000 is facing several problems because the budget estimate of drainage pipeline cannot meet with the principle of bid project bill.
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